One last Banks Beer

I lost my wife before Christmas after a couple of years of illness. It got me thinking about planning. Without anything to plan for motivation is hard to muster and things are just not going to get done. Sometimes though planning can be a hindrance to success, and I am I am thinking about HS2 […]

CBR testing for cement stabilised soils

California Bearing Ratio (CBR) testing has become the most common way to evaluate the strength and bearing capacity of subgrades and base courses in foundation and pavement design. Whilst CBR testing is a valuable tool for specific applications, it has important limitations when used for testing cement stabilised soils. Engineers should consider alternative testing methods. […]

The Problems with stone piling mats

Problems with stone piling mats Piling mats are often used in construction to distribute loads and provide a stable work surface for heavy equipment to operate. However, several potential problems can arise with their use: Soil Compression: If the underlying soil is not adequately prepared or is overly compressible, piling the mat can lead to […]

Wet weather Groundworks

Wet site stabilised

Now is the time to consider RoadCem all weather soil binding technology for your Winter groundworks. The best solution for wet/cold weather operating RoadCem allows contractors to continue constructing site roads, compounds and working platforms on soaked sites and helps recover/repair working on failed site setups. Please have a quick look at our PDF on […]

ConcreCem Nano additive for adding durability to concrete performance

Essentially, we at PowerCem love to tackle durability. The durability of PowerCem products reduce the high costs associated with maintenance and repairs.  To improve concrete resilience to degradation, PowerCem creates nanomaterials with a size range below 20 nm (0.02 microns), delivering chemical functionality increases long term durability.    Materials with a sub 20 nm particle size […]

Swell testing for High Sulphate Mercia Mudstones

At PowerCem we believe in durability. Recent independent testing showed that after 28 days our Zeolite based RoadCem soil stabilisation product reduced swell to negligible levels and reached a respectable 168 CBR after 28 days in soak when treating Mercia Mudstone tunnel arisings with a TPS of 3.5. (see results chart below) Swell testing Whilst […]

Piling Mat design with RoadCem

Piling Mat design   In all piling projects the stability of the plant is key and as such, a suitably designed piling mat is essential if the works are to be executed in a safe and controlled manner. It is particularly important that the working platform does not deteriorate or suffer from any movement and/or […]

ConcreCem reduces porosity in concretes

ConcreCem : Essentially, we at PowerCem with all our products improve durability. Adding just a small amount ConcreCem increases durability and reduces the high costs associated with maintenance and repairs. The key source of structural failure in construction materials, comes from porosity. Pores cause cracks, structural failure and enables the penetration of corrosive and harmful […]

A photo is worth a thousand words

A photo is worth a thousand words, as this photo looks very boring. Perhaps a few words are needed on this occasion. You are looking at a RoadCem stabilised soil road being crushed back to soil. The site is an agricultural field and the in-situ alluvium top soils have been stabilised to a depth of […]

RoadCem reduces permeability in soil stabilisation

There have been many posts explaining why the improved density of RoadCem soil stabilisation improves stiffness and reduces risk of cracking. We have never though mentioned how RoadCem increases impermeability. A factor of growing importance in these days of extreme weather where protection from flooding and storage of water will become more critical. Attached is […]