Running rings around your competitors

Working sustainably and protecting the environment does not necessarily mean loosing business to your competition. At PowerCem we manufacture products that will help you reuse and recycle all types of soils and materials even contaminated to form cost effective, durable foundation elements that can outlast and outperform imported crushed stone layers. A quick call to […]

Circular Economy

The Circular Economy Quite simply the circular economy requires three essential elements: Reducing raw material use Reducing waste to landfill Extending product life In construction ground and foundation works the circular economy differs from the traditional linear economy, where primary virgin materials are extracted from the ground, trucked to construction sites, and used, before being […]

Housing on firm foundations

Increases in the cost of buying virgin stone and environmental concerns about the use of recycled crush for site establishment is currently a big concern for the house building sector. The search is on for an alternative more sustainable methodology, and whilst change brings risk, a major housebuilder at a site in Liverpool has discovered […]

Economic Reuse of Contaminated Soils

The exceptional quality of RoadCem in-situ soil stabilisation is well proven in the UK. With the increase in Brownfield development, the same high strength and dynamic stiffness can be achieved with our contamination binder ImmoCem. The following PDF shows how even the worst soils/materials can be cost effectively converted into strong safe building infrastructure. ImmoCem […]

The problem with sewage.

Silo Bases

With the excellent documentary by Paul Whitehouse on TV weekend, which identified problems with effluence entering UK rivers and water courses. The need for water utilities to invest in updating sewage treatment facilities has been truly highlighted. The unique water and acidproof properties of RoadCem in-situ soil stabilisation, together with its crack free leachate proof […]

Improved Car Park Construction Methodology

Car park construction by traditional methods is unsustainable and unnecessarily excessive in carbon emissions. A fit for purpose design utilising just the pre existing site soils can be far more more durable and much lower in long term maintenance costs. RoadCem is a superior road base technology, up to twelve times stiffer than a crushed […]